• ISIT is an acronym that means "In Spirit and In Truth". ISIT is an app that is developed to promote the Unity of the Body and transmission of Truth without any restrictions. It is geared to both enhance morality, Intergrity and positivity in the global world and establish God’s Kingdom through the platform;
  • Contents that are profitable to the soul will be shared and the souls of men will be enriched through the teachings of the word of faith using the Appilcation as a medium.
  • ISIT was birthed out from the place of prayers and deep meditation in 2018 when the Lord drew the attention of prophet Jeremiah and wife Shalaine Sackey on the importance of having a platform (Application) where people can interact and the gospel be promoted. Hereafter, during the outburst of the illment that trended in 2019 (Covid-19), it became clearer when there was restrictions as to the number of people that should converge in the place of worship and meetings done online.

  • Following the recent trend in the global world, it is no more a rumour that the souls of many (children, teenagers and adults) are being contaminated and modeled after ungodlinness due to what they see and hear through the media sector.
  • Also, researches have proven that due to the aim of making the entire world a global village, there have been restrictions made as to what should be said and what should not be said in some of the existing media applications making it unsafe for both our children and the Gospel.
  • This has brought a lot of restritions that when certain teachings of the gospel are being pushed out to the media, there are either restrictions or bans when it tries to address certain immoral acts and ungodly behaviors. It is now as though, the Body of Christ is left at the mercy of the world and their rules. This is why ISIT was brought to instill, promote both morality and the gospel; making the media safe for both children and the souls of men.

  • The Lord drew his attention again on the need by asking him a question; "what if the owner of the Aplications the Christians are using during this Covid-19 outbreak decides to shutdown any form of Gospel contents, what will be the faith of promoting the gospel?"
  • After that period, the burden became more intense that researches and studies were carried out on how to develop an application where the gospel will be promoted and preached without any form of restrictions and provide algorithm that could detect any form of immoral or ungodly contents.